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Operating automated electric systems is a process that involves different actors, systems, and devices, and requires experienced users who can react quickly under pressure. In the control center, operators are the last link in an extensive chain of tasks and, although systems have become increasingly more reliable in the past years, these professionals are still prone to incidents with different degrees of consequence. Pressure from consumers, governments, and companies’ executives for achieving better quality indexes in power supplying is also another factor these workers will face on a daily basis.

Elipse solutions for OTS are employed by major companies in Brazil and worldwide

Check some success stories using Elipse solutions for OTS

  • EMAE cuts the number of screens controling the Henry Borden Plant by 90% thanks to Elipse Power

    Retrofitting and implementing Elipse Software’s platform allows EMAE to control its plant via 30 screens instead of the previous 475, thus optimizing the operation

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